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Nashville Needlework Market is almost here! We are adding new charts daily! If you have a chart you would like, send us an email and we will do our best to get it for you! Check out the "Nashville Needlework" tab at the top of the page for all the new releases!

It's the best time of the year! 

Gingerbread Village Stockings

Crabapple Hill

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Well... I know they're not "stockings", but you can fill the shops and houses in this darling village to their rooftops with little gifts and candies. Something a little bit different to hang on your Christmas mantel. You can choose your own elements and sizes to personalize your houses any way you'd like! Use the applique method of your choice. Sizes are 9" wide by any length you'd like! One story or a high rise apartment, it's up to you!