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Nashville Needlework Market is almost here! We are adding new charts daily! If you have a chart you would like, send us an email and we will do our best to get it for you! Check out the "Nashville Needlework" tab at the top of the page for all the new releases!

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How Blest The Maid, chosen by EGA's Through the Needle's Eye 2014-2017 Exhibit

Cross Stitch Antiques

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An original design which was chosen by the Embroiders Guild of America for the 2014-2017 travelling exhibit, Through the Needle's Eye. Created while the designer's husband underwent successful treatment and transplant for leukemia. How blest the Maid whom circling years improve Her God the object of her warmest love Whose active Years successive as they glide The book, the Needle and the Pen divide 32 count Dark Cappuccino by R&R Reproductions Gentle Art Sampler, Shaker Threads, Weeks Dye Works and Crescent Colours 306 stitches wide x 394 stitches high 19 and 1/8 inches wide x 24 and 5/8 inches high