Inspiration comes, sometimes, from unusual places. I had this frame I picked up a few years back, and actually designed it to fit the frame! (I believe it’s still widely-available at custom frame shops). The verse is from an old sampler I saw years ago, and because I was constrained by space, I just kept filling in spaces with motifs until I had run out of room. Spring and summer can be tricky seasons to design for, as color palettes can sometimes look too “jelly beany” or “beach towely.” The cherry reds along with the soft teals and dusty greens and tans look great against a dark fabric. (My favorite part is the border on the left with the tomato pincushion and strawberry emery elements!)
Stitch count is 149 by 120.
Fabric is 40-count Dark Soil by Xjudesigns.
Threads are Classic Colorworks Deep Fennel, Pea Pod, Petite Maison, Queen Bee, Straw Hat, Tennessee Red Clay; Sampler Threads Avocado, Cidermill Brown, Espresso Bean; Weeks Dye Works Cornsilk, Grits, Louisana Hot Sauce, Red Pear, Skinny Dip. A full DMC conversion is provided.