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Nashville Needlework Market is almost here! We are adding new charts daily! If you have a chart you would like, send us an email and we will do our best to get it for you! Check out the "Nashville Needlework" tab at the top of the page for all the new releases!

It's the best time of the year! 

Fragments in Time 2024 #7

Summer House Stitche Workes

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Stitch Count: Individual Fragments are 51 x 51
                    Stitched with border pattern: 245 (w) x 125 (h) 

Fabric: Models stitched on 40 ct. Colonial Parchment from Fabrics by Stephanie. I stitched them, so I used my favorite. They will stitch just fine on 32 ct. A fat quarter is needed for doing all eight Fragments individually or with the border. 

Floss: From Classic Colorworks & Weeks Dye Works -  [DMC conversion}
           CC Fresh Brew [DMC 801]
           CC London Fog [DMC 413]
           CC Deep Blue Sea [DMC 932]
           WDW Bright Leaf [DMC 3826]
           WDW Red Rocks [DMC 355}
           WDW Grasshopper [DMC 733]
           WDW Moss [DMC 580]
           WDW Linen [DMC 3866]
           WDW Collards [DMC 936]
           WDW Curry [3820]
           WDW Pewter [Varigated - no conversion possible]
Floss Yardage: 2 skeins of each color, except Pewter - only one.