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Nashville Needlework Market is almost here! We are adding new charts daily! If you have a chart you would like, send us an email and we will do our best to get it for you! Check out the "Nashville Needlework" tab at the top of the page for all the new releases!

It's the best time of the year! 

Chrysanthemum House

Pansy Patch

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Pumpkin House and Chrysanthemum House are the first two in this series.  The next two will release November 1, 2022, then two will release January 1, 2023 and the final 3 will release at Nashville Needlework Market 2023 for a reveal of the entire series. A free PDF downloadable border will be available for those wishing to stitch the entire piece into one.  The entire series stitch count will be 347w x 277h.  The entire series is being stitched on one piece of 36 count Sand by Picture this Plus. Each individual pillow is stitched on 36 count Dirty Teacup by Needle & Flax.

Chrysanthemum House - Chart 2 of 9 in The Houses on Pumpkin Lane Series
Design size - 97 x 87
Stitched 1 over 2 on 36 count Dirty Teacup linen by Needle & Flax

WDW - Dirt Road, Whiskey, Parchment, Onyx, Grape Vine, Havana, Kris' Bon Bon, Light Khaki and Terra Cotta.
Gentle Art - Mulberry, Cinnamon, Pumpkin Pie and Grecian Gold.
Classic Colorworks - Pine Needles, Glazed Carrots and Avocado.

A DMC Conversion is provided.

Trimmed in Lady Dot Creates pom pom trim in Brickhouse.

If you would like to stitch the entire series on one piece of a fabric you can find the free PDF download on afterf 2022 Needlework Expo.