I centered the sampler around a childhood memory and five simple words ~ Be good & do good. This saying was something that a high school friend's mother would yell out to her kids as they left the house, screen door slamming..."Good Bye! Be good & do good!" I've thought of this short phrase several times as an adult, and how my take on these words differs from when I was a teen. The words apply to all aspects of life, whether doing good in relationships, marriage, parenting, jobs, or even the care we take of our minds and bodies. A very simplistic style sampler with its powerful phrase is just the right mix. The alphabet border, completely stitched in the Smyrna Stitch, is the cherry on top for me!
Flosses: DMC - 372, 522. WDW - 1106 Beige (2 skeins), 1196 Taupe (2 skeins), 1240 Dirt Road, 2211 Olive, 2242 Cognac, 2239a Carolina Cecil. GAST - 7018 Woodrose. CC - Peanut Brittle, Sticks and Twigs
Stitch count: 191 wide X 176 high
Finished size: 10 1/2" x 9 3/4"
Linen - 36 count, color - Arboreal by Cedar River Linens
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